Tuesday, 11 September 2012

In transit

Ok guys, I have just spent a whirlwind 4 days in Melbourne and I have at leave 2 hours to kill until I board my next flight. So brace yourselves, it's gonna be a long one! With pictures. Also I'm fairly sleep deprived so bare with me, it'll either be a good read or complete gibberish.

This is what my terminal looked like when I arrived this morning. Very lonely and quiet and not at all what I expected. I had to take a train from one terminal to the other.

Being back in melbourne was a very bizarre feeling. From the moment I stepped off the plane I felt like I was home.. but I didn't have a home to go to. I'm sure my mom and dad understand this feeling very well! It was freezing and rainy when I arrived in Melbourne (with 2 or 3 minutes of sunshine thrown in every 30minutes or so) but the next 3 days were beautiful and sunny! By that I mean it was spring weather in the sun and winter weather in the shade.
I went to visit my old apartment and was surprised to see the old thing still standing.

I know now that if or when I ever decide to move back to Melbourne I will very quickly put on 10kg because the food is so bloody good and my bank account would empty within the month because it is far too easy to have 4 or 5 amazing coffee's a day without even realising.
Here is my friend David, looking very Melbourne chic and sporting a skinny latte.

I was lucky enough to have 3 beautiful people to stay with in my 'home away from home'.
First stop was my favourite drinking buddy and the G&T Queen, Phillipa! It felt like no time at all had passed as we made dinner and poured ourselves outrageously stong G&T's and headed out to BigMouth.
I know the WAAPA peeps reading this will find it hard to believe that I actually made it out past midnight!
This is a screen shot of a video we took for Leo in Tokyo :)

Sunday was hang time with some very crazy characters and a visit to Lentil as Anything in St Kilda.
And then enjoy the sunset on St Kilda Beach.

On Sunday night I stayed with the lovely Claire Towie :) Oh how I had missed her chuckle!
I didnt get any photos of us together Claire so the one of Schnitzel and me will have to do.

And then of course this happened.

After almost two years without a Fry class I decided it was time to go back and show her what I've been doing since I left. Wearing black shorts and orange nail polish I did Fry stamina barre and lived to tell the tale. I have not missed that building. *shudder*

Chunky Move is having some massive perspex house thing constructed in their studio/rehearsal space at the moment so class was full to capacity before I got there :( I did see Niharika though which was cool! And to kill time David and I went to look at the art exhibitions on at the ACCA.

The first room was full of contemporary sculptures. It's always interesting going to view art that you are not familiar with and have no understanding or concept of it. We get an idea of what it is like for non dancers to come and view our work and in Ted's case, make up the most outrageous stories to explain what it is we are doing on stage. The second exhibition was a Tasmanian artist called Pat Brassington. This ladie's work is pretty creepy! I think you would enjoy it actually Ciara. She has studied psycho-analysis, and her photographs are like stills from a psychological thriller. Very unnerving but quite good.

On my last day I got to see most of the Segal/Splitter clan, who were my adoptive family when I first arrived in Melbourne.
After my lunch with Nick I tried to make my way back to Richmond station with his directions. "Just walk down the side of the MCG" he said. "The station is right there" he said. Well the station was there but the bloody entrance wasn't. Yes, you read that correctly. I literally could not find my way into Richmond station. I walked under it, around it, along it. Nothing. So I caught the bus, completely bewildered and very embarrassed.

So it's getting close to boarding time now. I'm a bit over being in transit. I am looking forward to having a place to put my bags, a bed that is mine, and a change of clothes cos I have no idea what this white stuff of my jumper is....

The girl next to me is from Taiwan and has spent two years in Australia. She spent most of it in a hospital in Tasmania though because she fell off a tracker or trailer on a farm and broke her pelvis. (OUCH!)

So this is where we are headed to :)
I hope this blog has made sense. No time to proof read. Lots of love to everyone! Next time I write I'll be in Taiwan!!

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